Sailor Moon Z: #22 - Justice for the Enemy By. Janelle Jimenez ( Official WebPage: The sun was setting in the black sky as a girl with long black hair streaked with red sat back against the chair she was sitting in. "Ne..Where'd Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Gemini, Capricorn, Virgo, and Taurus go?" asked a girl with flowing jade colored hair. "I don't know." replied the girl with the red-streaked hair. "Imagine them escaping their duties again.." yawned another girl, her hair was also black, but it was shorter and hung in her face. "They don't have any duties.." a girl with purple hair giggled, she was playing the harp as an identical girl was dancing gracefully to the music. "Nonetheless.." the girl with the messy hair murmured as she stretched. She stood up and looked around the garden where she and her five friends were lounging in. It was the one place in all of the Golden Palace where no one was allowed to enter, without permission from these girls, not even Queen Selestia or Princess Selenity, Stella, or Solana. The girl playing the harp suddenly stopped as if she had been interrupted, "Ne..someone wants to come in." she replied looking up, it was obviously a mental message sent to her. She turned to the twin who had stopped dancing. "Pisces, you're standing up. Let them in." the girl commanded. "I don't want to Aries, YOU heard the answer it!" her the dancing twin replied. "I'll answer it." replied the green haired one. With much grace, she stood up and opened the gate. "Thank you Cancer, for being so civil." replied to girl with the messy black hair. Cancer walked back towards the group, behind her was a man they all recognized to be the Royal Advisor to Queen Selestia and her three daughters. "Oh God, what is it now? Does Princess Solana have a problem with her hair? Maybe Stella lost her stupid bird again..OH! I know, Selenity is having guy problems again, ne?" asked the girl with the red streaked hair. "No, Scorpio-sama, the Princesses don't need you at the moment." the Royal Advisor replied. "That's how it should be, we aren't their servants, we're Protectors of the Golden Millenium.." replied the girl with messy black hair. Scorpio, Cancer, Aries, and Pisces nodded in agreement. "Yes, I know that." the Advisor replied, he turned to the girl with the messy black hair, "It's about the Invaders of the Future, that is why Queen Selestia needs to talk to you immediatly." "The Invaders of the Future, what about them?" the girl asked the Advisor, the Advisor looked at her and was hestiant for a minute. "They've arrived, Libra-sama." * * * * A woman with long black hair tied up in two odango turned her head and looked into a mirror, her blue eyes watching herself carefully. She picked up a golden brush and began to brush her hair. The door to her room opened and a beautiful girl with dressed in a long black dress entered. Her hair was rather messy, but not in a dirty way. Several strands hung in her face, which she brushed away annoyedly. She bowed before the woman, "Queen Selestia-sama, you called for me?" the girl asked. "Yes, Libra. As you may have heard, the Invaders of the Future have been attacking." Queen Selestia replied, she looked into the mirror again and continued brushing her hair. "Your Royal Advisor filled me in on what happened, we killed them, right?" Libra asked. "Don't be foolish. They aren't dead." she replied as she stared into her mirror. "However, maybe we can stop them. They ARE from the Future, perhaps...if we did something to them in their future, then they wouldn't be able to come back to the past." Selestia said. "That's a wonderful idea, Your Majesty. What do you have planned?" Libra asked. "I'm sending Sailor Cancer into the Future. As of now, I know that we lose. The Zodiac Senshi, however are reborn into the Future..I'll send her there to appoint a new leader, and then perhaps the Future will change and these Invaders won't come." Selestia said. "Who was the leader before? And who do you have planned to be the leader?" Libra asked. "Sailor Leo was the leader.." Selestia answered. Libra snickered, she wasn't very fond of Leo. Leo was rather pompous and domineering. A good leader she was, but not the kindest. "I want to appoint Sailor Scorpio to be the new leader, however." Selestia added. "Well, that's a rather good choice. Although, Scorpio and Leo don't get along very well...their both rather...unsympathetic." Libra replied. "That's my point, Scorpio is the best fighter of all the Zodiac Senshi..she fights unmercifullessly..almost like a villain might. She'll make sure that the Invaders are destroyed." Selestia answered. Libra nodded in agreement. "Ah, before you leave, Libra...have Cancer come to my quarters so I can send her to the's going to take almost all the energy of the Golden Key to do it." * * * * "What a beautiful palace!" Sailor Mars exclaimed as she looked around. They had managed to sneak in rather easily, it was strange how there were no guards guarding the palace. " is beautiful.." Sailor Pluto replied. "Where are we supposed to go?" Sailor Venus asked. "I'm not exactly sure, but this is the central command of the Golden Millenium...if we destroy it, then the Golden Millenium will collapse." Sailor Saturn answered. "Well..what do we do? Knock down walls?" Sailor Uranus asked with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. Sailor Neptune shot her a serious look, "We should look for Queen Selestia.." Neptune suggested. "Hmm, now, if I was Queen of a beautiful world..where would I be?" Venus asked aloud. The Senshi were silent for a moment as they thought of where to begin their search when suddenly they heard a familiar scream. "It's coming from over there!" Sailor Mars exclaimed and ran through an archway into a beautiful garden. A large golden gate which was obviously used to keep strangers away had been knocked down by some sort of blast. Standing in the middle of a beautiful garden were three people, a man with hair like fire itself, a woman who looked nervous, and a younger female with black hair and red streaks. She was dressed in black, her finger nails extended into deadly claws. "I don't know who you people are, but if you're smart you'd get the hell out of here." the girl said to the other woman and the man. "Cyanida?! Arseniru?! SCORPIO!?" Sailor Moon exclaimed. All three of them turned in Moon's direction in surprise. The handsome man with the hair looked at Sailor Moon for a moment and then grabbed Scorpio's wrist, Cyanida held a knife to Scorpio's throat. Scorpio's hair was falling in her face as she lowered her head, she then looked at the Sailor Senshi with pleading eyes. "Help me.." she whispered. "SCORPIO!" Sailor Mars screamed as she rushed to help her. Arseniru looked at Sailor Mars for a moment and then the three disappeared in a burst of light as Scorpio screamed, "WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP ME!" "SCORPIO NOOOO!" Sailor Mars shrieked as she collapsed in the grass where the Cyanida, Arseniru, and Scorpio had been standing. "If only..if.. only we could have saved Scorpio from the Black Star Galaxy..she..Leadan.." she said as tears started flowing from her eyes. The whole situation with the Golden Millenium, seeing the stories the Zodiac Senshi had told happen before their was hard on all of them. "We couldn't's like a written destiny. No matter how much we tried to change the past to fix the future, the future happens just in a different way.." Sailor Pluto sighed. The Senshi were silent, if that were matter how much they tried to stop the deaths of the Zodiac wouldn't happen...they'd be dead anyway. A sound broke Sailor Moon's train of thought, she turned around and was face to face with a girl. She was very beautiful with tiny delicate features. Rather short messy black hair framed her face, dark eyes staring at the Senshi. She was probably a servant or something by what she was dressed in. A black dress, nothing special. "Invaders of the Future, Hello." the girl said pleasantly. Neptune looked to Uranus sadly, it'd be a shame they too would have to kill this innocent girl. Uranus decided to make it swift, she unsheathed her Space Sword and raised it into the air, planning to do the girl in in one simple gesture. Her arm came down, but the sword stopped in midair and refused to go farther. Uranus was the girl, she was holding on to the blade of the Space Sword...impossible. She twisted Uranus' arm around back until Uranus released the sword. The girl's happy face never changing. "Who..who are you?" Uranus gasped. The girl released Uranus' arm and stepped back. "Libra Cosmic Star Power.." the girl began. "Oh my God.." Sailor Moon whispered as she remembered what Sailor Cancer had told her about the strongest of all the Zodiac Senshi. "MAKE UP!" the girl shouted, she raised a henshin wand into the air. A white shining star trailed by translucent streamers flew out from the top and revolved around her starting from her head and ending at her feet. The streamers wrapped around her body forming her uniform. The star rested on her chest and her bow and collar grew from it. A circular halo appeared around her and travelled down her body forming her collar, skirt, and boots. Her entire fuku was black, except for the skirt which was black with a dark blue stripe at the bottom. Her bow and choker were also dark blue, on her right wrist was a bracelet with a gem in the center. "In the name of the Golden Millenium, the World of Infinite Peace, I am Sailor Libra, the Guardian of Justice!" she said and raised her right arm, a long sword appeared in her hand. The sword had a long white blade and a golden handle. Embedded in the sword was a beautiful large crystal in the shape of star surrounded by twelve multicolored tiny gems. She held the sword in front of her and closed her eyes, a white aura surrounded the blade which she then tilted so the blade lay flat, inches away from Uranus' face. "Justice Star DELIVERANCE!" she shouted. From the sword a flash of light emitted and struck Uranus who fell to the ground. She walked towards the rest of the Senshi, "This is the Justice Star. The blade is made of an undestroyable material and the gem here is a piece of the Seven Stars." she explained and passed it by the Sailor Senshi, "It judges you're fate. Those unpure will be destroyed, and those pure of heart will remain alive." she said in a quiet voice. "But not for long." "Please...Sailor must understand, this world HAS to be destroyed!" Sailor Moon said pleading with Libra. Sailor Libra's calm, touchless face twisted into a angered look. "What gives you the right to judge what lives or dies?" she demanded. "What gives YOU the right?" Sailor Mars shot back. Libra stared at Mars for a moment, "The Justice Star of course." she giggled. She pointed the sword at Mars, without ever saying a word, a similar white beam of light emitted from it, striking Mars in the chest. She fell back with a gasp. "Venus Love Me Chain!" Sailor Venus shouted and created the chain of golden hearts in hopes to grab the sword from her. Sailor Libra predicted the move and suddenly the sword disappeared. The gem on her bracelet flashed. Libra flipped over the chain and grabbed the middle of it with her gloved hand, she pulled hard bringing Sailor Venus down. "Where'd the sword go?" Sailor Jupiter asked. Sailor Mercury pushed down her visor and scanned around. "I don't know.." she said hopelessly. "That sword is nothing against the Silence Glaive." Sailor Saturn said twirling the Glaive in the sky, she jumped into the air. The Glaive filling with energy. Libra opened her palm, the gem flashed and her sword appeared in her hands again. She jumped into the air as well and held the sword with the blade pointing down and landed, stabbing the sword deep into the ground. The earth around her shook, gravity seemed to stop, and Saturn fell in midair, but landed on her feet. "Idiot." Saturn muttered and raised her Glaive, prepared to take Libra's head off. Libra smiled and quickly removed the Sword from the earth, it wasn't as deeply impaled as it appeared. She raised the sword and stopped the Glaive before it struck her. The sword and the Glaive gave off a burst of light as they struck, when the light disappeared the blade fell to the ground...of the Silence Glaive. Sailor Saturn gasped and backed away. Sailor Libra laughed as the remaining Sailor Senshi looked horrified. The strongest of all of them had been defeated. It was 10 Sailor Senshi against ONE Zodiac Senshi. What chance did they have now against all of them? "Very little." replied a voice from behind them, seeming to read their thoughts. Sailor Neptune uneasily turned around and was face to face with Sailor Aries and Pisces. Sailor Leo, Sailor Sagittarius and Sailor Aquarius appeared in front of Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury. Sailor Taurus, Sailor Virgo, Sailor Capricorn, and a healed Sailor Gemini appeared in front of Jupiter and Pluto. Sailor Libra giggled a bit and pointed the Justice Star towards Sailor Moon, "You have no chance at all."