Sailor Moon Z - #1: The Birth of the Zodiac Senshi By: Janelle Jimenez Offical web page: Rei swept the broom into the dust...the air around her was quiet. She hadn't felt anything odd since they sent Nephrenia back to her own time. Things were quiet, she and her friends were normal eighteen year old girls. Rei stared down at the ground...there was a strange aura in the air. She reached instinctively for a ward that was tucked into the folds of her kimono. She looked up and saw Jessica Taylor watching her. Rei narrowed her eyes slightly. Jessica was a student from America who had transfered to Japan when her father's business firm moved. Jessica attended Rei's school and from the minute she entered the door, she disliked her. She was extremely beautiful..she even looked a bit like Rei. Long black hair and a slender figure. She had sharp blue eyes. Rei actually felt twinges of jealousy when she saw Jessica at school, the new Queen of T*A Private Girls Academy. Rei was ashamed of herself for feeling this way. Jessica wasn't better than her..and Rei was a Sailor Senshi, a defender of good..something Jessica certainly was not. Jessica continued to stare at Rei. Rei stopped sweeping and looked up. Jessica snickered and shook her head and continued to walk by. Rei frowned and shook off the strange aura she felt. * * * * Luna stared at the blonde girl sleeping peacefully before her, this was the same girl who lead the Sailor Senshi. They had defeated all the villains from the Dead Moon and also Queen Nephrenia. So far all had been quiet, there hadn't been the slightest sign of any evil. In fact, it'd been almost a year since the girls even transformed. Usagi, and the rest of the Inner Senshi were living fairly normal lives. Setsuna, Michiru, and Haruka had set off to travel the world and Hotaru had living happily with her father ever since the day she was released from evil. However, Luna discovered five girls foreign girls with strange, energies around them. It didn't seem right to her how five foreigners would all transfer to the same school, it was suspicious. Luna pawed at Usagi's face lightly, but not to scratch it. Usagi groaned. "Leave me alone Luna, its a weekend." she whined with a yawn. She turned to her left and buried herself under more blankets. "Usagi!" Luna shouted, jumping on the girl. "Wake up! It's already one o'clock." Luna added. "One o'clock?" Usagi repeated sitting straight up. "Oh my God! I'm late! Rei-chan's gunna kill me!" she wailed. She quickly changed her clothes and ran outside into the fresh spring day. She picked up her shoes on the way out the door and ran barefoot towards Rei's temple. She frantically attempted to put on her shoes, but instead she sucessfully managed to trip and fall on her face. A group of casually dressed teenage girls stood before Usagi. A girl with black hair and sharp blue eyes started laughing and a few joined in. Another girl with happy hazel eyes and curly brown hair helped her up. "Are you okay?" the girl asked. Usagi nodded and stepped into her right shoe, and picked up the left shoe. "Yeah! Thanks!" she exclaimed as she ran off once again to Rei's temple. "What an airhead.." the girl with black hair commented. Luna frowned and chased after Usagi. "Usagi! Those girls! They're the ones who--Usagi!" Luna exclaimed, but Usagi was so far ahead to hear, and all Luna could see were two blonde pigtails getting smaller in the distance. Usagi arrived at Hikawa Temple out of breath. Rei shook her head and looked at Usagi, "It's about time.." Rei declared, tapping her foot in false impatience. Usagi smiled at Rei gratefully and flopped down on the ground, putting on the left shoe she still held in her hands. "Where we you anyway, Usagi-chan?" Ami asked, clutching a Calculus book to her chest. "Sleeping..." Rei grinned. Usagi smiled widely and nodded. "I know it's odd of me to have you guys all meet together for no real reason so early in the day, but I have important news." Luna explained, everyone turned to the familiar black cat. "I think our period of peace is over.." she began. "Awww...I was getting used to dating!" Minako sighed, "What are you talking about Minako-chan? You haven't been on a date yet.." Rei said looking at her friend quizzically. Minako looked slightly embarassed, "But now there won't be a chance for me to!" she answered. Mako-chan shook her head with a smile, "Go on Luna.." Ami urged. "Well, there are five girls..they're all supposedly from America, but don't you think it's slightly suspicious? I have a bad feeling about them also.." Luna added. "Five of them? don't mean the new girls at my school do you?" Rei asked, "I do get strange feelings around them, but not necessarily bad ones..." she added. "Well Rei-chan, that's what I was getting nervous about. I got a weird feeling when I walked past them yesterday and today. Normally I wouldn't get my whiskers all tied in a bunch, but ever since that incident with Ail and Ann, I can never be too sure." Luna replied. "LUUNNNAAA! That was three years ago!" Usagi protested. "Anyway I did some research. Usagi you met when you had your klutz attack on your way over here. Anyway, the black haired one is Jessica Taylor. Oh, and Alana Johnson was the one who helped you up." Luna explained. "Jessica Taylor!" Rei groaned, "That girl has something against me." she sighed. "Where do you think they're from?" Makoto asked. "I don't know, probably some new group of evil. The group consists of Janie Lee, Joanna McMahon, and Veronica O'Riley, in addition to Alana and Jessica who seems to be the leader." Luna explained. "Hmm..all foreign girls, right Rei-chan? That is strange." Ami commented. "Luna, I think your imagination is on overdrive." Usagi commented. "Well Usagi, you know..maybe Luna's right this time?" Mako-chan suggested. "It has been quiet for a really long time.." "Yea, it's been a little too..quiet.." Minako said in a spooky voice. "You watch way too much TV, Minako." Rei commented. "Why are you all ganging up on me?" Usagi asked. "We're not ganging up on you! We just need to be careful, you know, just in case." Minako said with a reassuring smile. "Why don't we go out for a burger and we can talk about these mystery girls?" Ami suggested. Usagi looked up. "Food? Oh yes! I'll go for food! Your such a genious, Ami-chan!" Usagi exclaimed happily. * * * * Jessica Taylor looked around the empty park, a few kids were playing on the swing-set nearby, but other than that it was empty. That was strange for being in the middle of the day. "Estrella?" she whispered, looking into a bush. "Right here, Jessica." said a voice. Jessica looked down to see her black cat with the white star on her forehead. "Okay, Estrella..why was I supposed to meet you here? Why didn't you tell me whatever you have to tell me at home?" Jessica asked as she leaned against a tree. "This is the only secluded place in this town. I told you I had some secrets to share with you..about who you really are. I told you when you were just a child that some day you would lead the greatest warriors in the universe. Those weren't just stories to buy time with. They're all very true. Now is the time you knew, Jessica-sama." Estrella said solemnly, she lept into the air and flipped. A small orange and red stick appeared, it was topped with a golden star and had a curved design engraved on it which Jessica recognized immediatly was her astrological sign of Leo. "How beautiful.." she said, moving her fingers to touch it. Her fingers gently touched the warm red metal and her body was instantly filled with energy. The mark of Leo appeared on her forehead and from it a beam of bright orange light raced to the sky and split into several points of light. * * * * Usagi stuffed a frenchfry in her mouth as the rest of the girls peacefully ate, when they saw a flash of light shoot to the sky. "Heym an energy beam..You don't think its Chibiusa again, do you?" Makoto asked. "No way..look its an orange energy beam, not a pink one." Usagi answered as she stuffed several fries in her mouth. Rei stared at her incredulously. "I'm getting a weird feeling about this." she said gripping the table, and standing up quickly. "I bet my whiskers I was right! I told you they were bad!" Luna said, "Transform now!" she commanded. "It's just a coincidence.." Usagi answered, stuffing another french fry in her mouth. "TRANSFORM NOW!" Luna ordered. "Geez! Just let me just finish these yummy fries." Usagi replied stuffing more golden french-fries into her mouth. "Usagi, transform NOW!" Luna shouted. "Fine!" Usagi exclaimed, taking her locket out of her pocket, "Moon Crisis Make Up!" she shouted. "Mercury Crystal Power, make up!" "Mars Crystal Power, make up!" "Jupiter Crystal Power, make up!" "Venus Crystal Power, make up!" said the rest of the girls, almost in unison. They quickly transformed from normal teenagers into the Sailor Team and hurried to the origin of the myesterious light. When they got to the park, they saw no one except Jessica, her hands glowing strangely with energy. "Ai to Seigi no! Bishoujo no Sailorfuku no Senshi, SAILOR MOON! Tsukini Kawatte..Oshioki yo! (For Love and Justice, I am the pretty sailorsuited Senshi, Sailor Moon! In the name of the Moon, I will punish you!)" Sailor Moon said gesturing and pointing to Jessica. Jessica looked upwards with a confused look on her face, "Sailor WHO? What do you freaks want with me? What did I do?" she asked clutching her wand defensivly. "We saw that energy beam, so where's the person that set it off?" Sailor Moon asked, she then looked at Jessica's hands and saw the glow of the energy. "Stealing energy?" Sailor Moon asked. "Energy? What? Well even if I was, what I do is MY buisness." Jessica replied indignantly. "So you do admit to it, NegaScum!" Sailor Jupiter exclaimed. "Anou (umm)...did you say NegaScum?" Sailor Mars whispered to Jupiter, Jupiter nodded, "Yea, like..the NegaVerse..." she answered. "That was so five years ago!" Mars exclaimed. "How DARE you call ME scum!" Jessica shouted angrily. She stepped foward, raging with anger, suddenly a lion made of fire lept from Jessica's hands and ran towards the Senshi, setting the tips of their skirts on fire. Jessica looked horrifed and began to run away. "Don't move...NegaSlut!" Sailor Mars exclaimed. "She's getting away, stop her!" Mars ordered the rest of the Senshi. "Shabon Spray!" Mercury shouted, filling the air with soapy blinding bubble mist, Jessica was blinded by the mist and staggered behind a bush, finding Estrella. "These Sailors are your enemies, Jessica! Take your wand and say 'Leo Cosmic Star Power, make up!' while I get help!" Estrella instructed. Jessica nodded, "Leo Cosmic Star Power..MAKE UP!" she shouted, suddenly an orange apparition of a lion ran towards her, it circled her then leaped upwards, merging with Jessica's body. Her clothing changed to a black sailor suit with a skirt that shimmered from red to orange. Rings of fire appeared from the sides and circled her arms forming gloves. Another circle of fire surrounded her feet and the blaze exploded upwards and when it suddenly died down she was completely transformed. There was now a large red bow with an orange brooch the symol of Leo engraved in it in the middle of her collar and she also had a red choker around her neck with the symbol of Leo in gold on it. Finally, she wore a gold tiara with a star shaped ruby in the center. A strange feeling came over the transformed Jessica, and as she came out of her hiding place. "Another Sailor Senshi?" Sailor Jupiter asked. "I am the Senshi of the Sun Lion, in the name of the heavens that house the stars, I will destroy you!" she shouted and raised her hand to the sky. "Sun Lion Destroy!" she exclaimed, orange flames appeared on her raised hand, she brought her arm down hand still aflame, and directed her hand towards Mercury and Mars. The flames leapt from her hands and formed a large lion made of fire, it ran towards Mars. "Fire Soul Bird!" Mars exclaimed, putting her hands together and creating a stream of fire that formed a bird made of flames. The fire bird headed for the fire lion, in attempts to counter the attack. However, the lion seemed to devour the bird, making the fire lion even bigger than before. It continued to head straight for Sailor Mars, "ACK!" she exclaimed and darted out of the way, barely missing being burnt. "I WILL NOT forgive you for this! Don't worry, I'll get this poser Sailor Senshi!" Sailor Jupiter promised. "Sparkling Wide Pressure!" Jupiter shouted, she created a ball of lightning and threw at Sailor Leo who skillfully jumped out of the way, missing electrocution. "I'm Sailor Sagittarius. I've been watching this fight here, and trust me you're going to pay for that NegaSlut comment back there...whatever it was." another voice said from high above in the trees. All eyes turned to see yet another Black-uniformed Sailor with her beautiful green hair wrapped in a braid. She had dark purple skirt with a navy blue bow and a symbol resembling an arrow on her brooch and choker. Her silver tiara had a star shaped topaz in the center. "Silver Arrow Strike!" Sailor Sagittarius shouted, forming her own bolt of lightning in her hands, she then bent the bolt of electricity into a bow and arrow. Sagittarius expertly shot the arrow towards Sailor Jupiter, it hit her directly in the chest and enveloped her in electricity. Sailor Leo rushed over to Sailor Sagittarius and nodded at her. "We'll see you later Sailor Failures!" Leo called, grabbing Sagittarius's arm. "Sun Rise!" she shouted. A golden bubble as bright as the sun itself rose up from the ground, swallowing the two girls in it. It began to float up into the sky, shining brightly, and blinding anyone who tried to look up. Sailor Moon shaded her eyes with her hand then looked at how badly Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Mars were hurt, and sighing in relief to see it was nothing major. "What the hell was that?" Sailor Mars exclaimed, "Who are those girls?" Sailor Venus asked at the same time. "They can't be on our side..." Sailor Mercury added. "I bet you anything those two girls where part of that group of five I told you about. Fake Sailors from another dimension, probably." Luna replied. "Too good to be fake.." Sailor Jupiter said as she stood up. "Don't worry you guys, they'll pay for this, I swear..." Sailor Moon promised.