Sailormoon Neo: #8 - Uragiri no Kisu no Kekka, Sailor Team Kekkai - The Effects of a Betraying Kiss, The Sailor Team is Broken - By: Janelle Jimenez ( Official Webpage: [] "Ryuu, how will I ever get you to notice me again.." Kasumi sighed as she gazed into the picture of the familiar Morino Ryuu. Kasumi was sure that she loved him, she had probably always loved him. This wasn't just some guy she met, this was someone she had known all her life. A family friend and now a teammate. He was always kind to her. He seemed to be the only one who understood how unloved she felt when she was younger. However, nothing seemed to be able to make him notice her...his mind was always on someone else. Everyone wanted to believe that he was in love with Seishi, but if that were true, they would be a couple...right? "He can be won.." Kasumi whispered with determination in her voice. She had to tell him how much she cared. She knew that she might get rejected, but it would be even more painful living the rest of her life always wondering....could it have been me? Kasumi rolled off her bed and looked at her reflection in the mirror, a pair of sad icy eyes gazed at her. (Note: A really good person from anime to say who Kasumi looks like is Ayanami Rei from Evangelion. Kasumi's hair is dark blue, but that's how her hair is styled and she always wears the same sad/pissed-off look that Rei has. Oh, and Kasumi has blue eyes, not red.) "Don't be afraid, can do it.." she said to herself as she changed out of her school uniform. She was planning to confront him at the party that Neo-Queen Serenity was throwing at the Garden of the Crystal Palace. "There's nothing to fear, but fear itself." she said, her voice full of determination. But she was still afraid, she had been rejected all her well could she handle this inevitable disappointment? * * * * "Damn the Dark Side of the Moon, what imbeciles." Lady 9 said, her voice sounded agitated. "Although I know they will not succeed in destroying the Silent Angel, I want them out of the way. We must destroy them as soon as possible." "We cannot do it if we keep posessing bodies of such weak beings, we must take more powerful creatures." Lord 9 answered, it was one of the first times he had ever made a suggestion. Lady 9 seemed to be pondering the idea. "Also, the Dark Side of the Moon is weak. The Silent Angel is not their real desire, they want the Silver Crystal. It is doubtful that the Silent Angel will be harmed by them." Lord 9 added. "Yes, you are right. The Dark Side of the Moon is an obstacle which is unimportant right now, they are incompetant. In their quest to destroy our Silent Angel, they will undoubtly destroy themselves." Lady 9 replied, "You have given me an idea for a new plan. Not only shall we posess beings which are larger and more powerful, but we shall take something which is dear to the Sailor Senshi. Because of their sentimental human emotions, they will hesitate in killing it, and then we will destroy them..." * * * * "Diaaanaaa...Where ARE you?" Usa-chan called, she looked under her bed once more. Nothing was there, just the same emptiness she saw when she looked thirty seconds earlier. She sat down on her bed and sighed. She hadn't seen Diana in the past few days, it was odd not having the familiar violet cat sleeping by her. Usa got up and walked down the stairs and into the empty throne room. She looked behind King Endymion's, her father's, throne and found Artemis sleeping. "Artemis, have you seen Diana?" Usa asked. Artemis opened an eye slowly and looked up at her, "Ah, and Minako are both the same, always thinking about boys and not about being Sailor Senshi. You need to be more serious." he scolded. Usa sighed heavily and looked down, his mind gets worse and worse every day, she thought. No one wanted to admit it, but they almost wished he'd be dead. Not that they didn't love him, but they all knew every day was agony for him without Luna. His mind had created a fantasy world were he was young and with Luna. He wasn't really senile, just lonely and miserable. Usa backed away from the throne and sighed, "Well, Artemis, be sure you come to the garden party today...and if you see Diana, be sure to tell her to come also." she called under the throne. "Hai hai, Usgai-chan, but there is no time for parties...we have to fight the Death Busters." Usa shook her head and sighed once more and headed back up to her room to change to for the party. * * * * Ryuu looked around the garden and leaned back against a cherry blossom tree. In his hand was a beautiful white lily, ironically enough, it was Seishi's favorite flower. He was going to give it to her as a present... if he could ever find her. Everyone looked content, but he was bored. He saw his mother chatting with Neo Queen Serenity and Umino Ami. His fellow Sailor Teammate, Hisakino Karei was talking with Umino Megami, Tokino Yoake, and a girl he vaguely remembered from school named Himeko. Seishi, however, wasn't anywhere to be found. He wondered if she was even going to attend, it would be even more boring if she didn't. Ryuu looked up at the sky, he didn't really know how he felt about her. His mind always thought about Seishi, how different she was from everyone he knew. She wasn't shallow, unkind, overly nice, or weak willed. She was a very unique blend of personality. Quiet, emotionless at times. He knew he adored her...but as a friend...or as more? He wasn't sure anymore, but what he did know was that she didn't seem to care the same way for him that he did for her...maybe it was time to move on... "Umm...Ryuu, are you alive?" asked a quiet gentle voice, it sounded familiar. Ryuu snapped out of his daze and saw Umino Kasumi staring at him. He was slightly taken aback at how she looked, he'd never seen her look so...nice...and he'd known her for nearly sixteen years. "Hey, are you?" he asked with a smile. Kasumi looked off into the distance, she looked like she was in deep contemplation. "I'm doing well...Umm, have you seen all of the gardens yet?" she asked, her voice full of nervousness. Ryuu smiled again, it had been a long time since he and Kasumi talked. They used to be really good friends until their paths changed at high school. Kasumi attended Juuban High School while he and Seishi both went to Meiyo Gakuen. Seishi, Kasumi, and he used to be friends...not close close friends, but friends. Even though they were both now Sailor Senshi...they still never talked anymore. "Just a few times, want to show me around anyway?" Ryuu suggested flashing a warm smile. Kasumi's face seemed to light up with happiness. Kasumi smiled and lead him away from the party into the quiet corners of the vast garden. She finally stopped under a large tree, it was quiet here... serene, peaceful, maybe a bit romantic. "It's nice here..I've never been to this part before.." Ryuu commented. Kasumi was looking down at the ground, she looked up and gazed into Ryuu's green eyes. It's now or never, she thought to herself. "Ryuu...I...I, I love you. Please don't think I'm stupid, I have for a really long time. I never could tell you though, we were too young and everything..and then with school splitting us apart and everything..." Kasumi began, she kept her eyes to the ground. Ryuu looked at her, his face holding a distant tortured look. "Kasumi.." he whispered. This was a total shock to him, all this time she felt this way...and he hadn't known? His heart softened, he did like her...she was pretty, smart, dedicated..serious...he reminded her of Seishi...But how much did he *LIKE* her? He shook his head softly, there it was again, he was thinking of Seishi. I've got to move on, maybe this would be the best way to do it... "Ryuu, don't be afraid to say no to me, okay? It's alright if I'm never your girlfriend...I just had to tell you how I felt." Kasumi said quietly as she stared at the ground. Ryuu gently reached forward and lifted Kasumi's chin up, his green eyes stared into her blue. "Kasumi...why don't we give it a try?" he said with a gentle smile. Kasumi's eyes widened, this was a shock...she was almost sure he would tell her no. "Are...are you serious?" she stammered, Ryuu smiled. "I'm serious.." he said quietly, he then wrapped his arms around her and leaned forward, gently kissing her on the lips. When they parted, Kasumi rested her head on his shoulder, "Ryuu, do you love me?" she asked. Ryuu looked off into the distance and hesitated. Do I love her? I don't think I do...but what do I say? he wondered. "" Ryuu began, he didn't know exactly how to say it. "I love.." he said starting again, he was silent for a moment and then whispered, "Seishi.." Kasumi frowned and moved away from him, "What?" she asked in confusion. She looked at Ryuu, his eyes were fixed on someone behind her. "Seishi.." he whispered, Kasumi slowly turned around, her cold blue eyes met even colder violet eyes. "Seishi..I..." Ryuu stuttered, Seishi shook her head slowly, "There's no need to explain, Ryuu." she said almost coldly, she narrowed her eyes at Kasumi. Ryuu's heart froze...she never uses that tone with me, he thought. "What can I say anyway? I wish you happiness." she replied. She wanted to sound apathetic, but the truth was that she was hurt. She loved Ryuu, since her mother died, more than anything else on earth...she hoped he felt the same way, but it was apparent he didn't. Ryuu betrayed me. How could he? He knows how much Kasumi and I hate each other. How could he hurt me like this? she thought. Seishi laughed as tears flooded her eyes, "You know...that thing they say about love always winning in the end? Like Neo-Queen Serenity's and King Endymion's? Through time, distance, no matter what? Well, it's a lie. A joke...In reality, people end up miserable...True love rarely prevails, only some cheap imitation for it." Seishi laughed, her voice sounded almost hysterical. Ryuu's heart sunk, he knew how she felt now...and now it was too late. It wasn't fair... "Seishi.." he whispered. She shook her head and walked away from them, farther into the garden. She stopped, but didn't turn around. A slight breeze lifted up her violet hair and brushed her black dress, "I loved you Ryuu, I do love you, I always have..." she said quietly then continued to walk. Ryuu was silent, but inside he was raging with anger as he watched her disappear into the garden. Kasumi stood behind him silently, her eyes staring at Seishi coldly. Why did this happen this way? he thought. "Seishi...I love you..." he whispered. He looked down at his hand sadly, he was still holding the lily he was going to give to her. In anger he ripped off the petals and threw it to the ground and shouted, "SEISHI!" * * * * "That was a lovely party, wasn't it?" Neo-Queen Serenity asked as she clasped her hands together in happiness. King Endymion looked at her and smiled. "It was wonderful, Usagi, as always. Anyway, I need to get going and I can't seem to find Ryuu.." Makoto replied as she grabbed her daughter, Yoseiko's, hand. "Say bye bye to Niji-chan, you'll see her next week." she said. Rei smiled and picked up her youngest daughter Nijiko, "Say ja na to Yoseiko, Niji.." she urged. Serenity looked at her friends and smiled, there were times like this when she wished she had had more children... "Ara, if you see Ryuu, Usagi, send him home." Makoto said as she headed towards the Garden's gate, "Ja ne!" she called back, Serenity waved happily and sat down in a chair. Almost everyone was gone, most of the parents had left, there were only a few people who were still here. Serenity sat back and closed her eyes contentfully, relaxing. She sat there for a good couple of minutes when she felt a chill up her spine. There was a cold breath on her neck, she jolted upright. "Who's there?" she demanded. "Serennnityy.." a female voice whispered, "You are a pathetic Guardian, an incompetant ruler, your reign will end shortly and you will bow to the Silent Angel." "I know who you are. You are from Tau Ceti, you're Lady 9." Serenity answered with authority. The voice seemed to laugh, "You've grown smarter since Mistress 9 engaged you. I suppose a few thousand years will do that. But you still lack as a will lose a loved one today, there is nothing which can change that." the voice laughed. "What do you want from us?!" Serenity cried. There was no answer, it was deathly silent. She heard a purring from under her chair, she looked down and saw a white cat. She smiled gently and picked Artemis up, "You scared me." she whispered. "Oh, did I, Serenity?" Artemis said coldly. Serenity froze, Artemis' eyes were flashing red. She dropped him and backed away, " can't..." she stammered, "Artemis is dead. I am Lord 9, Serenity." Artemis...or actually, Lord 9 replied. Artemis' body reached upwards and he began to grow taller, his fur disappeared and skin appeared in it's place. He was reverting to his human form. Long blonde hair formed on his head, his eyes still flashing red. His crescent moon slowly changed shape into a black star. "ARTEMIS!" Serenity screamed, the former Artemis laughed evilly and brought his hands together, a bright beam of light shot from them and struck the Queen. "Give her to us, give us Shino Seishi if you wish to live for a few pathetic more years." Artemis asked, he walked toward the fallen Queen and grabbed one of her pigtails and forcefully pulled her upwards, "Artemis..look at me, it's Usagi...fight him.." she whispered as tears fell from her eyes, "Artemis' mind is too weak. He cannot fight back, he cannot be healed, he can only die." said Lord 9 from inside Artemis. "Release her majesty, THIS INSTANT!" shouted a voice from behind Artemis. He turned around, but kept his hands clutching Serenity's hair. He saw a pink-haired girl dressed in a Sailorfuku and with her was a blonde with a mask and a black haired girl. "For love and Justice! The Pretty Sailorsuited Soldier, Neo Sailormoon! In the name of the Neo Moon, I will punish you!" the pink haired one shouted. "And I am the Sailor of the Victorious Moon, Code named Sailor V! In the name of Love, I will punish you also!" Sailor V exclaimed. "The Planet of Fire, Mars, is my guardian. The Senshi of the Flame, Neo Sailormars." Mars said, introducing herself. Artemis smirked at the three Senshi, using his free hand he shot a blast of energy towards them which they all skillfully avoided, "Fire BOMB!" Neo Mars shouted and blew a firey kiss towards the former Cat Advisor to Neo-Queen Serenity. He released his hold on the Queen and screamed out in pain, but it was Artemis screaming...not Lord 9. Neo Sailormoon gasped, "ARTEMIS!" she shouted. Artemis' eyes once again began to glow red, "Heh...I've made sure that Artemis feels the pain you deliver, but I continue to make him fight." Lord 9 laughed even as Artemis' eyes were tormented with pain. "You KISAMA!" Sailormoon screamed, "How dare you! You evil, vicious creature!" "Crescent Eclipse!" Neo Sailor V shouted, throwing the golden crescent at the body of Artemis. Immeditatly, the eyes stopped glowing red and turned blue, the black star on his forehead disappeared just as the crescent moon hit him. Artemis fell to his knees and looked at V sadly, "Minako-chan..why...why are you hurting me?" he cried out. Sailor V's heart ripped in half. "Quickly! Neo Moon, try and heal him while he's down!" shouted a male voice. Jupiter Kamen and Neo Sailormercury rushed the the scene. Neo Sailormoon nodded and the Heaven Wand appeared in her hands, "ANGEL MOON HEART BREAK!" she shouted as she did her sequence of movement, a pink heart shaped beam shot to Artemis. He cried out as it touched him and collapsed to the ground. "It worked!" Sailor V exclaimed happily, she looked over the body of Artemis. Jupiter Kamen smiled gently. "Mina..ko.." Artemis whispered as he looked up at Sailor V, his eyes flashed red for a moment again, "You..cannot...heal me, Lord 9 can't be injured...Minako...kill me..." he begged, his back lurched upward as his eyes flashed red once again, the black star reappearing. "No..I can't do it!" Sailor V cried, she backed away from him. Artemis' human body was so badly damaged that even Lord 9 couldn't make the limbs move. "I can't kill him..I won't. How can we destroy someone we love?" Sailormoon whispered. None of the Senshi knew what to do, they looked at Neo Sailormercury...surely, she could do it. She felt their eyes on her and she turned away. "KILL ME!" Artemis screamed, "He's healing'll all be destroyed.." Artemis' eyes then changed back to red, a twisted smile forming on his lips once more. "You should have done what he asked." Lord 9 laughed, with ease he jumped up as if nothing were wrong with him. He quickly created another beam of energy which shot in multiple directions, too quickly for any of the Sailor Senshi to block. They all fell. Artemis smirked and turned back towards Neo-Queen Serenity, "No.." Jupiter Kamen whispered, he summoned the last of his energy and unsheathed his sword, "Lighting....Burst..." he said weakly, green lightning emit from the sword and wrapped itself around Artemis, restricting his movement. He lowered his head onto the stone pathway of the garden, he couldn't move, his whole body hurt. At least I'll die in battle, he thought. Just then, he heard the sound of boots on stone. He weakly lifted his head, his eyes met the emotionless violet eyes of Neo Sailorsaturn. She stared at Jupiter Kamen for a moment and looked away. "Goodbye, Artemis, we love you and we will miss you. May you finally be reunited with Luna." Sailorsaturn said as she looked into Artemis' eyes. Artemis looked at her almost graciously, although his eyes were glowing red from Lord 9. She held her right hand out and a hexagram shined brightly, she closed her eyes as the wind picked up around her, gently lifting her hair up. "Silence Death Song." she whispered, there was silence and then a faint screaming sound as the beam emit from the hexagram. Artemis' eyes instantly turned blue as Lord 9 left his body, but Artemis didn't move. He simply stared at his his death peacefully, waiting for it to come. He smiled gently, "Arigatou (Thank you).." he murmured. Neo Sailormoon winced as the attack struck Artemis. She squeezed her eyes tightly. She wanted to hate Neo Sailorsaturn for killing him...but, she admired her. Sailormoon slowly stood up, the rest of the Sailor Senshi did as well. Jupiter Kamen helped Neo-Queen Serenity up. Artemis' ashes had mostly blown away. Neo-Queen Serenity leaned down and scooped up a few with her fingers, she would bury them next to Luna. "Sailorsaturn..." Neo Moon began. Sailorsaturn looked away, "I suppose you are going to tell me what I did was barbaric and evil." she said coldly, "No...I...I admire you. None of us could do it, we would rather have the world destroyed than to kill our friend...but did your duty as a Sailor Senshi." Sailormoon replied. "The last duty I will ever do." Neo Sailorsaturn answered, eyes widened at her words. She pulled off the crystal rose from her uniform and raised it above her head, then hurled it at the stone ground. As the crystal broke into a thousand pieces, her Sailorfuku instantly disappeared. Shino Seishi stood before them all, dressed in the black dress she wore to the party. She leaned forward and picked up the largest piece of the broken crystal. She gazed at all the Sailor Senshi, "Being a Sailor Senshi means nothing to me. I don't want to be apart of what destroyed one of the only two important people in my life. Life without anything to live for is hardly worth living. I awoke today knowing that I would lose the last dear thing to me." she replied, her eyes gazing at Jupiter Kamen wistfully. She closed her hand around the piece of crystal and began to walk out of the garden, "You too may lose everything."