Sailormoon Neo: #6 - Eien ni Ai Shiteru - Saisho no Hanabira ga Ochiru (Dosei no Senshi no Kanashii Toujou) - I Love You Forever - The First Petal Falls (The Tragic Appearance of the Warrior of Saturn) - By: Janelle Jimenez ( Official Webpage: [] "The time has come, we cannot wait any longer." Lady 9 whispered, "Lady 9, we have tried, but we underestimated the Sailor Team." Lord 9 answered, the voice sounded rather desperate. "No, the new Messiah will be awakened...we will have her! We will have our Angel of Silence and nothing will stop us. Once we have her... this world will be our gift to Master Pharoah 90." Lady 9 replied, "How shall we break them, though?" Lord 9 questioned, "We shall let them think that they are against something which is weak, when in is not. They think of us as a weak enemy, even if they can hardly defeat what we posess. Let them believe we are weak, then...we will destroy them." * * * * "It's time..." a voice whispered, Hotaru looked up with a start. She was alone in her dark room, the wind lightly moving the misty white curtains. "Who's there?" Hotaru whispered, she sunk lower into her pillows and pulled her heavy comforter farther over her, the wind blew a bit harder. There was a light shining in the middle of the room, Hotaru looked to her husband who was sleeping soundly, with his arms around her. The light moved forward, it started to materialize. Hotaru gasped, the figure standing before her was herself...herself in the past, a thousand years. But it wasn't herself, it was Imperial Sailorsaturn. (Note: from Sailormoon Zodiac) "You are.." Hotaru began, "It's time, Hotaru...our daughter will be awakened." Sailorsaturn said, she looked at the sleeping Masaya and smiled wistfully. "He and Seishi are the only things holding me back.." Hotaru murmured, "No...Don't say goodbye, it just makes things harder." Sailorsaturn answered. Hotaru nodded slowly, "Then begin the process...she must have all the power I once had.." she replied. Sailorsaturn nodded and disappeared. Hotaru sighed, a single tear falling down her cheek. She looked at her husband again, and kissed him gently on the lips, the tear falling near his eyes. She didn't wipe it away. With much effort, she pulled herself into her wheelchair and rolled to the window and gazed outside. The air was warm and the voices of cicada and other night insects called to each other. The black orchids and roses in the garden looked almost violet in the full moonlight. Her fingers reached out the window and touched a dew dampened rose petal. This was the night as she loved it, perfect that it was how she'd always remember it. Masaya always told her when the night was beautiful, as it was now, she was exceptionally lovely. Tonight, the night was beautiful... Sailorsaturn appeared in the girl's room, it was dark and full of macabre decoration. She looked down at Seishi, who's face was twisted in torment, like she was in the middle of a nightmare. Sailorsaturn raised her glaive and passed it over Seishi, her sleeping body began to glow with purple light. Sailorsaturn leaned over and touched the palm of Seishi's hand and traced a six-pointed star (a hexacle) upon it. Seishi's eyes snapped open, she felt that touch...She looked up and saw a ghostly figure standing over her bed, it looked like her mother...with short hair. Dressed up like a Sailor Senshi, with a long dangerous looking weapon. Seishi screamed and shrank away, pulling her knees up to her body and curling into herself. "Don't be afraid.." the figure said, "Who are you?" Seishi asked, the figure smiled. "I am the Senshi of Creation and Destruction, Sailorsaturn. I am your mother...I am you..." Sailorsaturn answered, "You" Seishi repeated, Sailorsaturn nodded. She reached a gloved finger over and touched Seishi's forehead. Memories filled her mind, but none of them were her own...they were her mothers. Tears filled her eyes as she saw her mother as a child, "Just like me...but she's so sad..." Seishi whispered. The tears fell harder as she saw her mother's terrible demise, as she saw Grandfather Souichi begging for his beloved daughter, as she saw what her mother ultimately became. "Stop it, stop it.." Seishi choked, "I don't want to see anymore.." "This past, it is your destiny.." Sailorsaturn whispered, "NO!" Seishi screamed, just then light poured from Seishi's body, she screamed in pain. A terrible realization washed over, "NO! I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING! NO! PLEASE!" she cried, she broke into sobs, she couldn't help it. She struggled to stand, untying herself from the tangle of bedsheets she was in. She jumped off her bed and headed towards the door, but stumbled and fell to her knees. In her full-length mirror, she saw the reflection of a tear-streaked face, lit up by a glowing sign on her forehead. The sign of Saturn. There was a purple aura all around her, as the aura intensified, she heard a small scream. She knew, she knew. Seishi's tears fell harder as she quickly stood up and ran down the cold marble hall into her parents bedroom, she threw the door open. Her mouth dropped in horror, she fell to her knees, "No..." she whispered. Masaya looked up at her and down at his wife who he held in his arms. Her eyes were barely open, she looked pale and weak, a soft violet aura surrounding her, it was beginning to fade. "I love you are both more important to me...than my own life." she whispered and finally closed her eyes. Her body fell limp in Masaya's arms, he looked down at the body momentarily in a daze. Seishi choked back another cry, she reached her hand touch her mother can't be...It can't have happened.. "I....KILLED HER!" she screamed in pure anguish, she collapsed to the ground, wetting the thick carpet with her tears. Her whole body shook with sobs, Masaya had been silent...but then let out the most painfully, earsplitting scream, a wail of anguish..He embraced the body of his dead wife, and cried into her hair. Her held her calm, peaceful face and kissed it. He buried his head in her shoulder, rocking gently, "Don't leave me.." he whispered, "Don't leave me! Please! I beg of you..DON'T LEAVE ME!" he screamed, "HOTARU!" * * * * "I'm...glad you could all come.." Usa said somberly, she had just found out about the death of Shino Hotaru hours ago. She cried nonstop for two hours, her best friend...dead...before they could do anything together, before they could laugh again, and catch up on old times. The doctors had announced the cause of death as heart failure...that was something that never happened in the Neo Millennium...the Silver Crystal kept away disease and kept everyone young. Now Usa was holding a meeting of the Sailor Team, everyone was present except for Aiko..who of course didn't want anyone to know her identity as Sailor V. "I almost couldn't.." Karei replied, she looked down at her skirt, "My mother was in hysterics...but she talked to your mother, and came home feeling less upset.." "I didn't even know Rei-san and actually, any of the Inner Senshi cared that much about Hotaru.." Kasumi commented. Ryuu looked down, his green eyes were full of despair. Hotaru was like a mother to him, he loved her almost more than his own mother...and Seishi...she continously blamed it on herself. Just earlier in school today, she had attempted to kill herself. He grabbed the blades away before she could cut her other wrist, picked her up and carried her to the infirmarary, where they immediatly called paramedics. He knew guys weren't supposed to cry, they were supposed to be strong, but he couldn't help it, he cried the minute he found out about Hotaru's death from his mother, and cried silently on his way home for almost losing his best friend. He was even crying now, he blinked his eyes as a tear fell onto his knee. "They all care...Hotaru was..she was..." Usa began, she couldn't finish. She turned her head as her eyes filled with tears, "Well, this is a meeting of the Sailor Senshi, let's meet." Kasumi said, her voice held no emotion. Karei stared at her, she's as cold as her icy can she not be affected by this? she wondered. "Yes, let's talk.." Usa said, she sighed deeply and wiped the tears from her eyes. "The only Senshi left to awaken are the Outer Senshi.." Usa began, she suddenly blanched. "My god.." she gasped as she clasped her hand over her mouth. "I just..I just realized...during the transfer of power, from the former Senshi to the Neo, the former Senshi gets extremely weak... that's why Rei-san was sick for so long when Karei became Neo Sailormars and why Ami-san was always so tired when Kasumi became Neo Sailormercury." Usa said, she had started to cry again. "Hota-Hotaru-chan..she..she was already weak...Sailor-Sailorsaturn...she's been awakened...that's...that's why Hotaru died..." Usa choked, Ryuu looked up suddenly, "You can't be saying it.." he whispered, "It's true...we killed her! Diana told Hotaru that we wanted Neo Sailorsaturn awakened...Hotaru would never go against an order, but she was too weak..we didn't know...we couldn't have..we...she... she.." Usa cried harder, she buried her face into her hands and shook her head violently, "We didn't know she wouldn't survive.." * * * * "We gather here today, to mourn the passing of a beloved daughter, friend, wife, and mother.." the minister began. Neo-Queen Serenity stared at the grave, she was holding a white rose in her hands. She was trying to be strong for all the others. She had comforted Rei just a few days ago. Rei came to the Crystal Palace in hysterics, but after a long was cured. Serenity looked to the rest of the former Senshi gathered at the cemetary. It was a dreary day, clouds darkened the sky making the mood even more somber. Serenity's eyes glanced at Michiru who was sobbing into Haruka's shoulder. Standing beside them were Setsuna and Yokinori, her husband, and Yoake their daughter. Setsuna looked torn apart. She loved Hotaru like her own daughter and as the years grew on, like a sister. The feeling was the same for Michiru and Haruka, she was like their daughter... and now, they'd never hear her musical laugh again, never hear her joking, never hear her call them lovingly..Michiru-mama, Haruka-papa, Setsuna-mama.. "Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust.." the minister continued to read. Serenity's eyes gazed at Ami, Rei, Minako, and Makoto...all were in tears, their faces covered by veils. The only person not crying was Shino Masaya, Hotaru's husband. Serenity looked at his face curiously, it was hard and a statue. His stare was fixated on her tombstone. Because Hotaru was a Sailor Senshi, Neo-Queen Serenity saw to it that she had the most beautiful tombstone imagineable, a marble statue of Hotaru in her younger years. Beside Masaya was Hotaru and his daughter, Seishi. Her violet eyes were filled with tears, it broke Serenity's heart that Masaya didn't comfort his own daughter. Her own eyes began to cloud with tears as she thought, Seishi looks just like Hotaru used to... "Usako.." Endymion whispered, nudging her gently. Serenity looked up suddenly, her trance breaking. There was a pain in her hand, she looked down, there was blood. She had been clutching the rose so hard that a thorn pricked her skin. It was her turn to lay her rose on the coffin, she gently tossed the white rose onto it, the blood still on the thorns. "Come..let's leave now, Usa-chan..and let the family be with Hotaru." Serenity said, touching Usa's shoulder. Usa turned around and gave her mother a cold look, "If you had forgotten, MOTHER, she was my best friend." Usa hissed. Serenity's eyes widened, Usa never called her 'Mother' it was always 'Mama' or 'Mommy.' Serenity nodded, tears filling her eyes. Endymion lead her away, one by one everyone left...everyone but Usa, Seishi and Ryuu. It was silent for a moment, no one said anything. Seishi fell to her knees suddenly and buried her face in the grass near the tombstone. "I love you forever.." she whispered and began sobbing again. Ryuu looked down, he couldn't bare to see her like this. "Hotaru-san...I wish we could have been friends always told me that one day I'd remember...I'd remember how you knew so much about me.." Usa whispered, she was holding a rose in her hands. She pulled the first petal off, "You..You were waiting for me to remember.." she said, tears filled her eyes as she ripped off several more petals. "But when I finally we'll never be together...NEVER..and it's all because of mother!" Usa cried, her voice full of anger, she tore off the remaining petals and hurled the rose to the ground. She brought her hands to her face and started to cry, but then she felt a breath on her neck. Her abruptly stopped her tears, a cold breath... "No.." she whispered, "Not here..not in this sacred place.." Usa begged, she knew who it was..who it had to be. Her eyes glanced at Seishi, "SEISHI RUN!" she screamed. Seishi looked up at her slowly, Ryuu looked at Usa in confusion. "They're here! Lady 9 and Lord 9!" Usa exclaimed. Seishi's eyes widened with fear, "Run...Sei-chan.." Ryuu whispered pulling her up, "But..but..what about you?" Seishi asked, Ryuu pressed his finger on her lips, "Don't worry about me...I'll protect you." he promised. Seishi's eyes filled with tears again and she got up and ran from the site. Usa came up beside Ryuu, "Nothing is sacred to these horrible creatures..." she said, "Horrible? We..?" a female voice asked, it surrounded them. A chill traveled up Usa's spine, she was hoping it wasn't true...but it was. These creatures did have the audacity to attack in a cemetary, during a funeral, before the body was even buried. Ryuu and Usa looked at each other momentarily, and then without hestitation raised their henshin objects, "JUPITER COSMIC POWER, TRANSFORM!" "MOON ANGELIC POWER, MAKE UP!" The two quickly transformed into Jupiter Kamen and Neo Sailormoon, "How DARE you interrupt the most sacred of moments, for that I will NEVER forgive you! In the name of the Neo Moon, I will punish you!" Sailormoon exclaimed, the female laughed, "This is all very futile.." she responded. "If you wish for a fight, that is what we'll give you.." she laughed. There was silence for a moment, but then from the grass a few yards away came a loud screeching noise. A large rat raised it's claw at Jupiter Kamen and Sailormoon and quickly grew into a disgusting huge creature. It's red eyes flashed as it gave another screeching sound. It barely resembled a rat anymore, but a large grotesque being. Jupiter Kamen lept into the air and unsheathed his sword, her brought it down upon the creature, it shrieked as the blade tore into it's skin. "Lightning Burst." he said, the wound was immediatly filled with green energy, lightning surrounded the creature. "ANGEL MOON HEART BREAK!" Neo Sailormoon shouted, pointing the Angel Moon Wand at the creature, a beam of pink light emit from the top and hit the rat, but nothing happened. The lightning wore off, the rat's eyes flashed brighter. It raised a dangerously long claw and swiped at Jupiter Kamen, the razor-like claws tearing his clothes. He staggered backwards to a tree and sank down, he looked down at the blood on his abdomen. The wounds were deep, if he didn't get help soon.....Jupiter Kamen lowered his head, his mask fell off. Just then it began to rain, raindrops falling on his face. Sailormoon had fallen too, the rat was about to tear her with it's claws...I can't move to help her...Jupiter Kamen thought, he raised his eyes and found a pair staring back at him. Seishi. * * * * Anger filled Seishi's heart, it pushed away the anguish that was there before. How dare this being attack during her mother's funeral, how dare it desecrate her holy grave in such a way. A purple aura surrounded Seishi, there was power inside of her...she could feel it. She was watching the whole fight from a distance, it had begun to rain. She saw Ryuu bleeding to death, Sailormoon dare these beings do this to her best friend and her mother's best friend. Seishi's eyes flashed, "Yamete." she said, and stepped forward. The rat stopped in mid-air and looked at her, the cold rain poured harder. "Shinnoo...Seishii..." the rat croaked, it was Lady 9 speaking through it. "How dare you." Seishi said coldly. *Use your power*..Seishi looked around for a moment, that voice was inside her head. It was her mother's voice.. "Okaa-sama.." Seishi whispered, *I will live on in you Seishi, use the power I died to give you...* the voice said. Seishi's eyes filled with tears again, she never wanted this power. She never wanted her mother to die to bestow it upon her...but it was too late now...too late.. "I won't dishonor you, Okaa-sama.." Seishi said, her voice full of determination. A sign flashed on her forehead, the sign of Saturn. Neo Sailormoon gasped, the aura around Seishi grew brighter. A rose made of crystal appeared before her, Seishi reached her fingers out to grab it. When she did she held it high into the sky, "SATURN COSMIC POWER! MAKE UP!" she shouted, long black angels' wings appeared on her back and folded over her body covering her with darkness. Her body was covered with a dark shadow, light flashed. Her sailorfuku appeared. Light flashed again, her skirt appeared. Light flashed again, this time she was totally transformed and the darkness disappeared. (Note: Think strobe light) Her skirt was dark purple, and unpleated, like the rest of the Sailor Senshi. However, her shoulders weren't adorned with clear protectors like the rest of the Senshi, but instead a fringed protector (Like the old Sailorsaturn had.) In the middle of her maroon bow was the rose shaped crystal, the same crystal on her choker. "In the name of my Guardian Planet, Saturn, I am the Neo Senshi of Tranquil Death, the Goddess of Creation and Destruction. I am Neo Sailorsaturn." Saturn said coldly, she held her right arm before the rat creature with her fist clenched. Her palm opened, a hexacle (six-pointed star) was shining in her gloved palm, the same place that the old Sailorsaturn had traced the figure on that terrible day of Hotaru's death, "Silence Death Song.." Sailorsaturn whispered, the symbol flashed and a burst of energy emitted from her palm and struck the rat, incinerating it instantly. A figure screamed and rose up like smoke from the ashes, "You are our Angel of Silence...we will win you..." Lady 9 said. Sailorsaturn stared at the ashes and with her purple boot, ground them into the soil. Her eyes looked at Neo Sailormoon, who was standing up, then at Jupiter Kamen, who had detransformed. His clothes were covered in blood. Her eyes widened with fear and she ran to him, "Ryuu!" she exclaimed, Ryuu opened his eyes. "Sei-chan...look at you...just like Hotaru-mama..." he murmured, Neo Sailorsaturn pulled off her glove and layed her hand upon his wound. It healed instantly. " healed me.." Ryuu said, his eyes widening in surprise. Sailorsaturn smiled softly, she looked sick. Her eyes rolled up to the back of her head and she fell forward, detransforming. Ryuu caught her, "What happened?" Usa asked running towards Ryuu, Seishi lay in his arms unconcious looking very weak and pale. "She can't use her healing power without getting really sick.." Ryuu explained, "That's why I was surprised she healed me...we could have gone to the hospital. She..She risked her health for me.." he said looking down. "How long will she be out?" Usa asked, Ryuu shook his head, "Last time she was in a coma for three days.." he answered. Usa's eyes filled with worry, "She gets that sick everytime she uses her powers? Even the ones she naturally had? Maybe she shouldn't be'd be so hard on her." Usa commented, Ryuu shook his head again, "You don't understand, Usa-chan." he said looking down at Seishi, "Seishi gets sick when she heals, but when she uses her power to destroy... she gets stronger..."