Sailormoon Neo: #26 - Ooinaru Gisei: Sayonara, Watashi no Koibito - The Ultimate Sacrifice: Goodbye, My Love - By: Janelle Jimenez ( Official Webpage: [] Note: IMPORTANT! This episode has a song to be played while it's being read. The song is available at my website. Track #14 Blue Knife Dream is something to DEFINATELY get before you read on. TRUST ME. It'll make the ending 50x better. It's also only 2MB. It's the instrumental version of the first theme song to give it sort of a nostalgic quality. When you see #### in the story, that's when you should begin playing the song. :) Jupiter Kamen slowly opened his eyes slowly, he felt paralyzed and broken; he wished that he weren't conscious so that he wouldn't be able to feel the pain which ravaged his body. His eyes burned and watered as the light from the middle of the throne room intensified. Then he saw her. "Sei..." he whispered as he stared at the woman who stood upon a great marble pillar which was surrounded by a pool of blood littered with glass shards. The woman was his Seishi, but it wasn't his Seishi. "You FOOL!" Solana hissed, before breaking into a smile, "You think you can defeat me? Little Princess Serenity. It is impossible to defeat me!" Serenity's face remained tranquil, "It is not in your destiny to win." she said calmly. Solana's smile twisted with anger, "You speak of DESTINY?" Solana demanded, "You use destiny as rationalization for your mother's MURDER of my people! How disgusting!" "It was their fate to die." Serenity answered, but it was Seishi who had actually said that last comment. Solana's rage intensified, her hatred burned. "I will save everyone..." Serenity said, this time it was Usa-chan speaking, but in reality she was powerless. Usa-chan's only power came from Seishi, and Seishi could not do it either. She could only destroy or heal. Usa-chan remembered a conversation she had about Seishi with Ryuu almost a year ago, he had told her Seishi became stronger when she used her destructive powers, but incredibly weak and sick when she used her healing powers. Usa-chan knew this. Seishi knew this. Only one of them cared. "I'll DESTROY your first!" Solana shouted and raised the Golden Key higher into the air, she closed her eyes as she made a wish. The Silver Crystal strained with light, the fragile crack upon it's facet enlargening. A blast of energy flew towards Serenity. The pillar chipped and shook as it's foundation was torn apart by the sheer force of the energy. Serenity's gown shredded, her black hair whipped violently around her, but yet her face held a look of love and tranquility. Solana was frustrated by this nonviolent act of defiance. "DIE!" she screamed, the Golden Key emitted an explosion of energy from the Opaque Prism which shook the pillar, Serenity remained steady. Slowly, the fallen Neo Senshi were beginning to awaken. "Princess..." Neo Sailorpluto whispered as she opened her eyes, her green hair had fallen out of it's ring and hung in her face. She was too weak to brush them away. She stared dully at the body of Seishi, "The true Messiah..." she murmured. "Usa-chan, be careful..." Neo Sailoruranus said quietly as she stared up at Princess Seishi Lady Serenity who was upon the pillar. The Star Senshi, on the other hand, were staring at a large shard of 'statue,' it was the face of their beloved Princess Stella. "Stella..." Sailorspringstar whispered and gently picked up the shard, it was warm. A drop of blood fell from the shard and stained her white boots. "Solana must pay for this crime, at any cost." Sailorsummerstar whispered. "The only thing we can do..." Autumnstar began hesitantly, "Is sacrifice ourselves..." Winterstar finished. She shook her head, "No, it won't bring Stella back...what's the point?" "However, we will destroy Solana if we do must be done... We most stop thinking of ourselves and think of the entire Universe. The power of the Golden Key is too immense for one person..." Summerstar said, her words sank in. The Star Senshi knew that this was the truth, if it meant to destroy them must be done. Sailorsummerstar closed her eyes and began to concentrate, she took her sisters' hands and they formed a circle. Energy began to rise from them and meet in the center of their circle. An image of a four pointed star appeared between them, shimmering and wavering. "We call upon the power of the Celestial guardians above us, give us your destructive power." "I, Sailorsummerstar, call upon the power of Cancer, Leo, and Virgo--bestow upon me thy power!" "I, Sailorautumnstar, call upon the power of Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius--lend me your strength!" "I, Sailorwinterstar, call upon Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces! Give me strength to take my revenge!" "And I, Sailorspringstar, call thee Aries, Taurus, and Gemini! Please allow me to defeat our greatest enemy!" The points of the star merged with the Star Senshi's brooches, the Zodiac signs they called out suddenly appearing upon the three stars. The Star Senshi moved out of their circular formation and stood in a line, all facing Queen Solana. All held their hands out before them, auras rising, eyes shining, "Star Celestial HARMONY!" * * * * Princess Seishi Lady Serenity turned her head to see a massive aura surrounding the four girls. Star shaped energy formed at the palms of each of the Star Senshi's hands. They were condensed beams of pure energy from their celestial protectors. "No..." Serenity whispered, she moved the Silence Glaive just as the energy was released from their hands. With one swoop, the Silence Glaive created a force which swept the energy back into the Star Senshi, sending them reeling backwards and causing them to fall unconcious. "PRINCESS!" Neo Sailoruranus exclaimed as she rushed over to the nearest fallen Star Senshi, Sailorwinterstar, "Why?" she cried out. Princess Serenity shook her head, "It was not their destiny to defeat Queen Solana." "You denied them of a chance to do it!" Neo Uranus shouted, she was angry and defiant. She saw the Princess' move as senseless harm to an ally. "They would not have defeated her anyway. It would be pointless to die for a cause and not attain the goal." the blackhaired Princess replied. "Just as it would be pointless for you to go on," Solana smirked. The Princess turned to her and stared at her serenely, "It is our fate to win." Solana's face warped into a distorted look of anger, "STOP IT!" she screamed, "Stop speaking of fate and destiny. You are nothing but an idiot. BOTH OF YOU!" Princess Serenity smiled, it was Seishi's smile, but her brow was furrowed--that was Usa-chan. "You will NEVER defeat me!" Solana cried, wind picking up to gale force winds. Princess Serenity smiled as her black hair whipped around her face, "You are right. We will never defeat you, it is not our destiny. However, you will never win." Princess Solana's eyes flared as she thrust the Golden Key higher into the air, "Give me more POWER!" she screamed. * * * * Aiko...Listen to me.. ...Who are you? I am you, Aiko. I am that part of you which loves yourself. ...You don't exist. I hate myself. Your doubt in yourself has caused the Neo Sailor Team much pain, Aiko. Stop being so selfish. ...I'm not being selfish. Then become Neo Sailorvenus and stop trying to distance yourself from your friends! ...My friends? Yes, they are your friends. You've blinded yourself all your life, but they are your friends and they care about you, but you have weakened them all. ...What can I do? Know the true power of yourself, bring your spirit back from the Void and into the corporeal world. Help Prince Trent, Princess Shizuki, Neo-Queen Serenity, and the rest of them bring their souls back. Though your bodies are shattered, your spirit is not. Help them. ...How? Love yourself. ...I..can't. You must. ...But...I hate myself, don't you see? I'd rather be dead, no one loves me or cares about me. I'm worthless and ordinary. You are the one judging your worth, no one else thinks so of you. You are deaf to the kind words of others and blind to the smiles of gratitude. ...Do you think so? Why is it you despise yourself so much, Aiko? You are beautiful, you just have not discovered it yet. You are talented, you just hide your gifts. You can be everything you want to be, but you allow yourself to be nothing. Love yourself, Aiko. Then, others will love you. ...I myself...I will help Prince Trent and the others bring their souls back to Earth. You can, the power is within you. I am within you. When you finally learn that you are special, that you are loved...then you will be strong. * * * * The Silver Crystal burst with light, the crack upon it's facet widening, a large piece of the Opaque Prism fell off and shattered on the ground, meanwhile the Iridescent Jewel was cracking in several places. Sailorwinterstar slowly opened her eyes and realized where she was and what was going on. The glowing brightness of the Golden Key made her eyes water, she squinted forward and saw Queen Solana. She was awakened. "I'll NEVER let you win!" she shouted and with her last drop of energy, she redirected all her celestial power at Solana. "Sailorwinterstar!" Neo Uranus screamed as the girl fell faint, her eyes dead. Solana barely dodged the attack when another attack flew towards her. It was Sailorspringstar. This time, the energy hit it's target and she fell off her own pillar, falling to the ground roughly. "" Princess Serenity murmured, she looked horrified and serene at the same time, if that were at all possible. Then came a maniacal laughter. It was Solana. She was on her knees, touching her face, seeing the blood on her fingers. She laughed and reached for the Golden Key, "I'm not dead yet!" she laughed, "You can't kill me, none of you have the power!" "But neither do you, Solana. You don't have all the power yet." Serenity replied. "SHUT UP! Stop smiling at me!" Solana screamed and without a moment's warning, she pointed the Golden Key at Princess Serenity and a wave of energy pulverized the pillar and sent the Princess into the shards of statue. "Heh..she's right...I don't have all the power...hehe..." Solana laughed as she moved towards Princess Serenity who was slowly getting up. "It's YOU who have all the power. YOU." Solana giggled. "No, Solana..." Serenity whispered, it was Usa-chan. While it did not show on the outside or from her words, inside her mind Seishi was smiling with satisfaction: Yes, Solana, do it, do it and die you pitiful fool. "I will have all your power." Solana nodded, smiling insanely. "Solana, don't..." Solana, YES! Queen Solana thrust the Golden Key high into the air, dust from the Silver Crystal falling upon Serenity, "Golden Key, give me ALL the power in the Universe--Make me the TRUE Messiah!" she shouted. The walls of the castle began to crack as the entire universe seemed to be shaking. Princess Serenity smiled a small, cold smile. * * * * You are The One, Usa-chan. ...I am? Thy Will be done. Thy Kingdom come. ...I am... Save us, Sailormoon. ...Who are you? Why can you speak to me? Deliver us from evil. You are the Legendary Messiah. The One. * * * * Upon Serenity's forehead, the purple moon flashed and then shattered, the glowing sign of Saturn being revealed once again. Seishi smiled, she held out her palm, a hexagram shining upon it. "Silence Death Song..." she whispered, sending an intense blast of energy at Solana. It hit her in the stomach as she cried out in pain, "GOLDEN KEY! Listen to me! MAKE ME THE TRUE MESSIAH!" she screamed, the Silver Crystal exploded, it's dust shimmering over Seishi. Solana began to scream in pain and terror, "NO!" "Thy Kingdom come?" Seishi whispered, "Thy Will be done?" Neo Sailoruranus replied as she directed her Heaven Touch attack at Solana. Solana cried out and fell to her knees again, her face twisted and distorted, the Golden Key fell from her hands and hit the floor. The Opaque Prism and Iridecent Jewel went dead. "Deliver us from evil." whispered Neo Sailorpluto, as she felt her energy returning slowly to her. "Deliver us from evil..." said four voices, it was the spirits of Neo Sailor V, Neo Sailorneptune, Princess Shizuki, and Prince Trent. "NO!" Solana screamed as her hands began to tighten and shrivel, "What's happening to me?!" Slowly, the spirits of the four materialized and became corporeal. Neo Sailor V looked at peace, despite the chaos, at peace with herself. "Venus Princess Power, Make UP!" Neo Sailor V shouted as a wave of golden light over her, dressing her in the fuku of a Neo Senshi. At that moment, the Neo Sailor Team became a thousand times stronger. "VENUS...AURA ENRAPTURE!" she shouted, sending her power to destroy Solana. "Neptune Eye of Atlantis!" Neo Neptune exclaimed, creating a whirlpool of water around Solana. "Make me the True Messiah...the True Messiah..." Solana cried as she was attacked by the Neo Senshi, but it wasn't the attacks that were hurting her--it was what was going on inside of her. Solana screamed. Her hair turned from black to white. Her eyes changed from blue to white. She became luminescence. The light enveloped her as she continued to scream in pain, "USA-CHAN!!!" Neo Sailormars cried, sitting up with a start. Her eyes were wild as she stared at the pillar of light before her. "It's Usa-chan! Everyone give her your power, their souls are fighting one another." "Usa-chan...?" Prince Trent whispered as he stared at the pillar, he knew Solana was in there, he knew Usa-chan was in there. I must help her, he thought to himself. "Solana..." The Neo Sailor Senshi all closed their eyes and concentrated, auras of all colors flooded to the pillar of light. The brilliance intensified as the struggle for control continued. "The Silver Crystal." whispered a small voice, it was Princess Shizuki, the daughter of Usa-chan from the future. She held out her hands and the Silver Crystal of the future appeared. She looked up at Prince Trent lovingly. Then, fearlessly and without another word, they stepped forward--into the pillar of light. The entire universe as the Sailor Senshi knew it went black as the power of the Silver Crystal destroyed everything, cleansing the Earth and the galaxies around. And then, cutting the Silence, the healing voice of the Silent Messiah: "Death Reborn Revolution!" And with those words, Princess Seishi Tranquility, Neo Sailorsaturn healed the Universe. * * * * ####### "Sailor..moon..." whispered a voice, "Wake up, Princess." Usa-chan opened her eyes, she was on some distant world. Above her, she saw the blurry face of Yoake. Usa-chan sat up, she was lying upon a slab of marble. Looking around, she saw an alien territory...the Earth taking place of the Moon. "The Moon Kingdom?" she whispered, "What happened?" She stood up, a flash of gold caught her eye and caused her heart to beat faster. It was her, it was Solana's dress. "Her wish was to become to true Messiah," Prince Trent said as he handed her the Silver Crystal of the Future. "You, Princess Serenity, are the true Messiah. One might say Solana became you, but it is not a copy of you made from Solana. It is truly your soul, residing in your body." "No, it wasn't me," Usa-chan whispered "It was Seishi...she's the one who healed the world. She's the one who saved it...She's the Messiah." "Seishi..." Ryuu whispered as he knelt down beside her. He stared down at her body, so beautifully perfect...but yet so marred with cuts and other red imperfections. She was unconcious. "My beautiful goddess..." he said as he held her in his arms, her heart was beating slowly and her breathing was shallow. Her delicate mouth made movements to form his name, "'re alive, thank god...I don't know what I'd do without you. I want to make everything up to remember me don't you..." he began as small tears formed at the corners of his emerald eyes. Seishi's own amethysts opened and stared upwards, there was obvious pain showing. "Ryuu..." she whispered, she cringed slightly. She was drained--physically, mentally, and spiritually. "Where's...Kasumi?" she asked. Without needing to be called twice, Kasumi was at Seishi's side, a worried look on her face. Seishi weakly reached for Kasumi's hand, but it was already reaching for hers. "Take this." she whispered. Kasumi felt a strange sensation filling her, warmth--but Kasumi was horrified. She dropped Seishi's hand instantly, "No..." she murmured, she knew Seishi was transferring the last of her power. "My gift, to you...Mercury-san." Seishi said with a tiny smile, but it was radiant. "Stop talking like this! Seishi, no, you're not going to die!" Ryuu cried, holding her tightly. Seishi took Ryuu's hand and placed it upon Kasumi, "Take care of her and my gift, it is a gift to you as well." "Seishi, please don't leave me again, please...I need you, I can't live without you.." Ryuu stammered, "Seishi, I lov--" "Shh." Seishi whispered, pressing her finger to his cold lips. "Kiss me..." she murmured as she closed her eyes, "Kiss me." Ryuu bent over and kissed her gently on the lips, their mouths parting slightly. Ryuu's eyes widened as he felt Seishi sigh, the last breath of air passing into his body. Ryuu's heart turned cold as he felt her final breath, he stared up in anguish at Kasumi. Only she knew saw how broken he truly was. Kasumi's face did not hide her sorrow. "'I did it only for you, Ryuu...'" Kasumi whispered as tears filled her blue eyes, "That's what she said to me long ago...She told me that when she died to tell you that she did it all for you..." Heavy tears streamed down Kasumi's face as she began to cry, to sob. It was the first time tears were ever shed from her eyes for anyone but herself.